250219-50express white chocolate
180061-SM Small Flowers 11cav
93027-SM Butterfly 2cav
24322- Colour Mill Yellow
250035- White Crystal Sugar
284010- Gold Highlighter Dust
114103- Deli Cups
180160- 50express Tipless Bags
19112-Brush Set
54188- Wild Strawberry Essence
-Melt your white chocolate in your deli cups. One you will leave white and the other color will be colored with yellow colour mill.
-For gold crystal sugar, just mix white crystal sugar and a small amount of gold highlighter. Make sure to mix well until you reach the color you are looking to for.
-Dip your madeleines half way into your yellow chocolate and before it dries, sprinkle some gold sugar on top. Set aside to dry.
-Fill the small butterfly of your silicone mold yellow and fill your daisies with white chocolate. Give mold a small tap to remove any air bubbles. Put them into the freezer to dry then remove.
-Mix your flavored essence and gold highlighter together and brush gold on the center of your daisies. Brush gold highlighter to the edges of your butterflies and let them dry.
-Now place your chocolate pieces on your madeleines.
-Drizzle the other madeleine white and add your gold crystal sugar. Place flowers and butterfly on top.