250219- white chocolate 50express
187261- St. Patrick's Day sprinkle set
31035- plastic spatula
10078- peter's caramel
10069- pretzel rods
180341- sm lips 4cav
93121- sm clouds & rainbow
180160- tipless bags 50express
284038- bright gold galaxy dust
24322- yellow colour mill
24310- purple colour mill
24321- orange colour mill
24325- red colour mill
114103- deli cup set
-Melt your white chocolate in 5 separate deli cups. Leave one white and the other four will be colored purple, orange, red, and yellow. You will be using the oil based colors from the brand colour mill.
-Now it's time to roll out your caramel. Roll it out using your hands, make sure it is evenly rolled out. Wrap your caramel around your pretzel rod. Start from top to bottom.
-Now dip all your pretzels in your white chocolate. Set them aside to dry.
-Place all your colored chocolate in to your tipless bags.
-Fill your lip and rainbow silicone molds up. Put them in the freezer to dry then remove.
-Drizzle your pretzels white, add sprinkles, rainbow & lip chocolate piece. Drizzle the the other pretzels using your colored chocolate. Add your sprinkle and icing pieces.
-Using a small brush, dust on your 50express bright gold galaxy dust.