250219- 50Express White Chocolate
24305- Peach Colour Mill
24306- Rose Colour Mill
7283- Small Baking Cups
284010- 50Express Gold Highlighter
93027- SM Butterfly 2 Cav
180401- SM Groovy Alphabet
180160- 50Express Tipless Bags
19111- Brush Set 2pc
114103- Deli Cups
31035- Plastic Spatulas
128100- Macaron Box
246016- Crinkle Paper
-Wash your strawberries and dry them well. Insert a toothpick in the center of your strawberry so when it is time to dip you have more control of your strawberry.
-Melt your white chocolate in your deli cup. Today we will color our chocolate using Peach and Rose from colour mill. These colors are oil based so are perfect for chocolate.
-This design is called an ombre effect. It mean it goes from light to dark using the same color.
-We will start off light then go darker and darker.
-First add 2 dots of each color (Peach & Rose). Mix together then dip one strawberry and set it aside to dry. Place a small amount of chocolate into a tipless bag. Fill your butterfly silicone mold and put it in the freezer to dry, them remove it carefully from your silicone mold.
- Now add 2 more dots of each color to make it a little darker. Dip one strawberry and set it aside to dry. Place chocolate in a tipless bag and drizzle it with the same color.
-Now do the same procedure for each strawberry you dip. Remember to keep adding more colour mill to your chocolate to make each strawberry darker.
-When you color the last strawberry with the darkest color, place it aside to dry. Put the left over chocolate into your tipless bag and fill your butterfly mold and alphabet mold. Fill the word 'MOM'. Put them in the freezer to dry then remove.
-Using a brush, dust on your gold highlighter. You do not have to add anything liquid to this. This will give it a soft gold finish, like a pearl gold effect.
-Now that you have your chocolate pieces. Place a small amount of chocolate on the areas where you will place your chocolate pieces. Place large butterflies on the first and last strawberry, then MOM on the 3 middle strawberries. Place small butterfly on the strawberries that have the letter M on them.
-Make sure to always place your strawberries on a small baking cup before putting them into your box.
-Today i used a long macaron box, put a small amount of crinkle paper and place my strawberries inside.