250192-50express Premium Buttercreme
5027-Frozen White 5' White Cake
32162-Silver Wrap 6'
164055- Decorating Pens Chefmaster 10pc
24306-Rose Colour Mill
24322-Yellow Colour Mill
19013-Tip 18
19003-Tip 4
180160- 50express Tipless Bags
17929-Wafer Paper
279015-50express Onyx Black GC
-Print out a hello kitty image. Make sure to always make the image smaller then your cake size. For this video the image I used was 4' in width.
-Place the wafer paper on top of your image. Trace your hello kitty clipart using edible markers, then cut it out using regular scissors.
-Color your buttercreme in 3 separate containers. Color them Yellow, Rose, and Black. Place the tips 18 and 4 in your pastry bags.
-Cover your 5' cake with a thin layer of rose colored buttercreme and lay your hello kitty wafer paper on the top center of your cake.
-Using black buttercreme and a #4 tip, trace the hello kitty face out. Using yellow buttercreme pipe the nose.
-Now with your white buttercreme and tip #18 (small Star) start to pipe your hello kitty face until you cover the whole thing. Make sure to not cover the eyes, nose, and whiskers.
-With your rose colored buttercreme and #18 tip, start to pipe the entire cake, from top to bottom and also hello kitty's bow.
-Now your cake is ready to eat.