10074- rice krispie sheet
250219- white 50express chocolate
24325- red colour mill
24313-green colour mill
16365- cc shamerock small
16006- cc lips
180341- sm lips
31035- plastic spatulas
180160- tipless bags
114103- deli cups
2025- edible images
284036- classic red galaxy dust
284046- pearlescent powder green
31029- decorating tweezers
54144- red matizador deiman
19111- brush set 2pc
32321- gold box w/window 8.5x5.5x2
246022- lime green crinkle paper
-Melt white chocolate in two separate deli cups, color one green and the other red using colour mill oil based colors.
-Cut out your rice krispie treats using your shamrock and lip cookie cutters.
-Dip the lip shaped rice krispie in your red chocolate covering only the the top part and dip your shamrock shaped rice krispie in the green chocolate.
-Cut out your edible images and place one in the center of the shamrock before the chocolate dries. Then set aside to dry.
-Place red chocolate in a tipless bag, cut a small hole at the tip. Fill your lip silicone mold with your red chocolate. Place in freezer, then remove chocolate piece when dry.
-Dust your chocolate piece using red galaxy. This will add shine.
-Now place your lips on the left side of your shamrock using only a small amount of chocolate to glue it together.
-Take a small amount of green pearlescent powder on a brush and dust it on your shamrock to give it a pearlized look.
-Now we will draw a border and a line across your rice krispie piece. to create the lips effect. Let it dry, then add shine by using red matizador with a small brush.
-Place lime green crinkle paper in a gold box and place rice krispies inside.