259000- 50Express Dark Chocolate
250219- 50Express White Chocolate
277006- 50Express Dulce De Leche Topping
284034- 50Express Black Galaxy Dust
24319- Black Colour Mill
24312- Lime Colour Mill
6032- Black Fondant Satin Ice
19711- Eyeball Candy Asst.
187241- Spider Sprikles
187121- Green Beads 10MM
36171- Fusion Monster Mash Mix
36225- Sugar Ghost Buddies Asst.
249033- Apple Sticks 8.5
180397- Straws Striped Asst.
10254- Hot pink Grosgrain Bows
180562- Silicone Bowl
180160- 50EXpress Tipless Bags
180496- Silicone Spatula
20205- Dust Pump Small
- Fill a bowl with warm water and place apples inside. Let them soak for 5 minutes. Make sure to dry them with a clean towel and take the stem off.
-Insert the wooden stick in the middle of your apple then insert your striped straw.
-In a non-stick pan, warm up dulce de leche 5-8 minutes on low to medium heat, until smooth consistency.
-Dip and swirl your apple in the dulce de leche. Tap lightly to remove excess dulce de leche.
-Place apples in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Take them out after the 20-30 minutes and let them sit for 15-30 minutes at room temperature. Now your apples are ready to dip in chocolate. For best results let them sit over night after dipping them in dulce de leche.
-Melt your dark chocolate and white chocolate. Add black colour mill to your dark chocolate and lime green colour mill to your white chocolate. These oil based colors are perfect for coloring your chocolate.
-Dip and swirl your apple in the black chocolate. Tap on the stick to remove excess chocolate. Set aside to dry.
-Take a piece of black fondant and begin to roll it out in a strip, making it 3/4 of an inch thick.
-Place it at the top of your apple to make the rim of the cauldron. Make sure to connect them and if you have extra fondant just cut and remove the fondant that's lapping over.
-Fill your tipless bag with your green chocolate. Begin to fill the top of your cauldron with green chocolate. Make a drip effect and tap lightly on the apple stick so the chocolate drips over the cauldron rim.
-Add your sprinkles mix, non-pareils, eyeballs, and spider sprinkles. Set aside to dry.
-For the other apple, do a black drizzle, add your sprinkle mix to the right side of your apple, then place ghost icing piece on the left side.
-Spray some black galaxy dust to add a beautiful shine.