250219- 50Express White Chocolate
2025- Edible Images
284010- 50Express Gold Highlighter
122012- Rice Krispie Treats
54188- Essence Wild Strawberry
180491- Popsicle Sticks Multi Color
170015- Brush Set craft
114103- Deli Cups
31035- Plastic Spatula
180160- 50Express Tipless Bags
10261- Grosgrain Red Bows
10270- Grosgrain Gold Bows
93105- Silicone Picture Frame
-Melt the 50express white chocolate in a deli cup.
-Dip the tip of your popsicle sticks into the chocolate and insert it in the rice krispie. Let the chocolate dry.
-Now dip the whole rice krispie treat in the chocolate. Lightly tap on the stick to remove excess chocolate. Set aside to dry.
-Fill tipless bag with white chocolate. Place in the freezer to dry and remove.
-Mix 50express gold highlighter dust and flavored essence. Start to paint your frame gold using a small brush.
-Cut out the edible image and place it on the frame. The images are 1.2" in width and .77" in height.
-Add a small amount of chocolate on the back of the frame and place it on the rice krispie. Let it dry.
-Tie the bow to the popsicle stick.
-Now your rice krispie are ready.