259000- 50Express Dark Chocolate
250219- 50Express White Chocolate
24319- Black Colour Mill
24313- Green Colour Mill
5010- 8' Chocolate Cake
284032- 50Express Classic Green Galaxy Dust
19711- Eyeball Sprinkles Asst.
187077- Bone Sprinkles
187121- Sprinkles Green Beads
17034- Disc Cake Pop Mold
67152- Purple Scoops
180396- Black Popsicle Sticks
180397- Straws Striped Asst. Colors
180160- 50Express Tipless Bags
187054- Purple Non-pareils
10101- Orange Non-pareils
187110- Lime Green Non-pareils
114103- Deli Cups
31035- Plastic Spatulas
-Place your dark and white chocolate in two separate deli cups. Place them in the microwave and heat up in 30 second intervals. Making sure to mix with a spatula in between intervals. Color your dark chocolate black, and the white one green. In this video we are using oil based colors by colour mill.
-Place your chocolate cake in a small mixer using the paddle attachment mix cake until it sticks together like a dough.
-Take a piece of cake dough and roll it into a ball, then place it in the center of your disc mold. Close the mold and remove all excess dough if any. Carefully remove the cake pop from the mold. Roll a straw around the cake pop to smooth out the edges.
-Scoop the cake dough using the purple scooper so that all your cake pops come out the same size. Roll them into a ball.
-Dip the tip of your popsicle stick into the chocolate and insert it into the disc shaped cake dough. Set aside to dry.
-Do the same with the straw and insert that one into your round cake pops.
-Now dip the disc shaped cake pop into the chocolate. Tap on the stick lightly to remove all excess chocolate. Set it aside to dry.
-Dip your round cake pop into the chocolate, tap to remove the excess chocolate but on these particular cake pops you don't want to remove all the excess chocolate, so when you place the them on parchment paper the chocolate creates a small ring at the bottom of the cake pop. Let them dry. When you turn your cake pops over, it will be flat from top and look like a cauldron. Now let them dry.
-Fill your tipless bag with green chocolate. Begin to cover the top of your cake pop with chocolate, then do a drip affect on the sides. Before your chocolate dries, place the your green beads, eyeballs, bones, and non-pareils on top.
-Dust a small amount of green galaxy dust on top for shine.
-Now for the disc shaped cake pop, pipe a black curved line at the top of your cake pop and let it dry. Now using your green chocolate, cover the top of the cake pop and do a drip affect. Add your non-pareils, green beads, eyeballs, and bone sprinkles, make sure to do this before your chocolate dries. Dust on your green galaxy dust for shine.
-So there you have it, two different ways you can make cauldron cake pops.