250219- 50Express White Chocolate
10074- Rice Krispie Sheet
284022- 50Express Sunflower Yellow Galaxy Dust
24309- Baby Pink Color Mill
24356- Colour Mill Lavender
24322- Colour Mill Yellow
180504- Silicone Mold Heart Mickey & Happy Face
180519- Silicone Mold Sunflower
60014- Popsicle Sticks
31006- Cookie Cutter Round Set
114103- Deli Cups
31035- Plastic Spatulas
180160- 50Express Tipless Bags
10259- Light Pink Grosgrain Bows
10258- Light Orchid Grosgrain Bows
-Melt your chocolate in four separate deli cups. Leave one white and the others color yellow, baby pink, and lavender.
-Cut out your rice krispie treats using the 2' round cutter.
-Dip the tip of the popsicle stick into the chocolate and insert it in the rice krispie treat. Now let them dry.
-Dip the whole rice krispie pop in to the yellow and white chocolate. Tap on the stick lightly to remove excess chocolate. Set aside to dry.
-Fill your silicone mold flower, happy face, hearts, and mickey with chocolate. Place them in the freezer to dry. Then remove carefully.
-Spray sunflower yellow galaxy dust on your yellow rice krispie pop to add shine. Then place white flower in the center of the pop.
-For the next design, pipe a happy face on to your yellow rice krispie pop.
-Pipe your rice krispie half pink and lavender, let it dry then pipe a peace sign with white chocolate on top. Place mickey on the left side of the rice krispie.
-For the last design do a drizzle, add your sprinkles and chocolate pieces on top, and spray galaxy dust to add shine. Tie the bows to your rice krispie pops and they are done.