254073- Chocolate Mold 3D Human Skull
259000-50Express Dark Chocolate
250219- 50express White Chocolate
24319- Black Colour Mill
24325- Red Colour Mill
180160- 50Express Tipless Bags
93007-Silicone Mold Blooming Rose
114103- Deli Cups
31035- Plastic Spatulas
284007- 50Express Maroon Metallic Highlighter Dust
19111- 2pc Brush set
246023- Black Crinkle Paper
249024- 4.5x4.5x4.5 white window
-Melt your dark and white chocolate in two separate deli cups. Color the dark chocolate black and the white chocolate red.
-With the black chocolate fill your 3D mold up to the line, place the plastic pieces on top, then place the third piece on top, make sure to press all the way down to spread the chocolate evenly. Put in the freezer to dry. Then remove them carefully from the mold.
-Attach the skull together.
-Fill your tipless bag with red chocolate and cut a hole at the tip.
- With red chocolate, fill your rose silicone mold. Place in freezer to dry then remove carefully from the mold.
-Dust a small amount of maroon highlighter dust to your roses. This will give them a beautiful pearl shine.
-Put a small amount of chocolate to the back of your roses and place them on the skull where the eyes go.
- For packaging, put black and white crinkle paper in a 4.5x4.5x4.5 white box and place skull inside.